Top 10 Foods To Avoid For Type 2 Diabetes

Top 10 Foods To Avoid For Type 2 Diabetes

As we all know diabetes if left untreated or uncontrolled can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, blindness and kidney disease. In fact, it is a chronic disease that has affected many adults and children worldwide. More often than not, patients with type 2 diabetes (also called diabetes mellitus) look towards alternative options in addition to their conventional medicine for help in treating their disease. 

One of the best treatment for Type 2 diabetes is to adopt a healthy diet including healthy carbs like fruits, veggies, whole grains and low-fat dairy food. Go for healthy fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna

In addition, you should include good fats like nuts, avocados and olive oil for an overall balanced blood sugar control. By eating a tasty and balanced diet, it will boost your energy and improve your mood. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with diabetes, it does not mean that you will have to give up sweets entirely or resign yourself to a lifetime of bland food.

However, just by knowing the foods to eat alone is not enough to reverse type 2 diabetes. It is also about limiting or avoiding foods that can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels which may increase your risk of complications.

Facts You Must Know For Diabetic Diet To Work

Though carbs, proteins, and fats are the macronutrients that provide your body with energy, carbs had the greatest impact on your blood sugar level. This is because they are broken down into sugar or glucose before they are absorbed in the bloodstream.

When people with Type 2 diabetes consume too many carbs, their blood sugar levels can rise to dangerously high levels that can damage your body’s nerves and blood vessel over a period of time. 

Therefore, the main idea is to maintain a low carb intake which helps in preventing blood sugar spikes and greatly reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

Remember that nutritional needs are basically the same for everyone which require any "special foods". However, you do need to pay attention to your food options when it comes to the intake of carbohydrates. While following a Mediterranean or other heart-healthy diet can help to prevent or control diabetes, the most important thing you should also do is to lose a little weight.

As a matter of fact, losing between 5% to 10% of your total weight can help you lower your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This will have a positive effect on your mood, energy and sense of wellbeing. Many studies had concluded that diabetes patients have nearly double the risk of heart disease and are at a greater risk of developing mental health disorders such as depression.

Good news is that most cases of Type 2 diabetes are preventable and some can even be reversed and controlled by a diabetic diet.. By eating healthier, being more physically active and losing the extra pounds, you can reduce your symptoms. 

We have compiled a list of popular foods and drinks that people with Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes should avoid.

1) Sip on Zero Calorie Drink Rather Than Fruit Juice

Avoid drinking juice, even 100% fruit juice as it have high concentrated amounts of fruit sugar and therefore cause your blood sugar to spike quickly. Yes, this may seem puzzling to most people but this is the real fact since sipping fruit juice does not fill you up the same way that eating a piece of fruit does.

This is simply because juices does not have the same fiber that is found in whole fruits. Therefore, you can go for fiber-rich whole fruits but not the juices. Need a refreshing drink? Go for zero-calorie plain with a spritz of lemon or lime. Otherwise, sparkling water with refreshing slice of cucumber and mint is pretty nice as well.

2) Avoid Fried Favorites Like Chicken Nuggets & Fries

Fried favorites such as chicken nuggets, shrimp, french fries and onion rings are usually coated with a layer of breadcrumbs. This can add up to high amount of carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and calories. As such, it could lead to weight gain which can worsen Type 2 diabetes. Consider baking or roasting these favorites with whole grain crumbs or with a coating of fresh herbs or spices. 

3) Avoid Fatty Cuts of Meat

Generally, diabetes patients are exposed to a higher risk for heart disease. It is therefore recommended to limit the consumption of fatty meats such as poultry with skin, processed meats like sausage and bacon as well as ground meat and prime cuts beef with high amount of fats. Instead, go for healthy fats food such as fish, nuts, and avocado, as well as lean proteins like skinless chicken and tofu.

4) Cut Down On Packaged or Processed Snacks

It is recommended to limit the consumption of sugar-sweetened treats or sweets, processed or baked snacks like cookies, doughnuts and cakes since these contain refined carbs that can cause a spike in your blood sugar. Besides, these may contain unhealthy trans fats, which can further raise your risk of heart disease.

5) Say No To Salted Processed Foods

Yes, most of us would love salty foods since it brings out the taste of the food to the max. As such, it is used as a preservative in most packaged and processed foods. While you are enjoying the great taste of salty foods, you may not realized that sodium is an electrolyte found in salt that can increase blood pressure, especially affecting people with diabetes.

Therefore, it is wise to choose low-sodium or no-salt-added versions packaged foods. High salty foods such as hot dogs, boxed macaroni and cheese must be avoided as well. 

6) Say No To Dried Fruit (Even Unsweetened)

Dried fruits, especially those that is covered with yogurt, chocolate, or otherwise sweetened, is actually loaded with sugar even in very small portions. As such, it is recommended to eat whole fresh fruit instead, limiting your portions to about 2–3 maximum per day.

7) Think Twice On Fat-Free Salad Dressing & Low-Fat Peanut Butter

Do not be fooled by low-fat peanut butter or fat-free salad dressing. Why? This is because sugar is often used to replace fat in these products. Several culinary nutritionist had pointed out that sugar is often added so as to achieve good flavor and taste.

In fact, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that reducing total fat or replacing total fat with overall carbohydrates does not lower the risk for cardiovascular disease.

In fact, there are strong and consistent evidence showing that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat reduces the risk of cardiovascular events and coronary mortality.

Fat-free and certain low-fat food items (excluding low-fat dairy products), such as low-fat peanut butter, may contain more carbohydrates than you think. Therefore, eat the full-fat version and keep your portions controlled instead of purchasing the low-fat version.

Nutritionist also highlighted that heart-healthy fat like nut butters and oil-based dressing foods are good for you in moderation and can have favorable effects on cholesterol.

8) Avoid Refined Version Of White Bread, Rice & Pasta

Research has shown that choosing whole grains (fiber content actually slows down the speed at which blood sugars rise) instead of refined grains can reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and aid in weight loss. Besides, whole grains contain more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice, are starches that have undergone processing which removes the bran and germ of the grain, stripping them of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These foods can cause big blood sugar spikes yet yield little to no nutritional value.

9) Say No To Honey

From grilling to roasting, honey can be used with just about any cooking method, and can be found in many recipes served either hot or cold. Not only that, it is also used as a common remedy for sore throat, common cold, and other health problems that is common during the winter season. However, diabetics must avoid its use since even it is a natural sweetener, it has a lot of sugar which can mess with your blood sugar level.

10) Change The Habit Of Sugary Cereal Breakfast

To most people, having a big bowl of frosted flakes is definitely a yummy option to start the day. Therefore, if this is your breakfast favorite, it is time to make a change as it is a recipe for blood glucose spikes.

Many breakfast cereals are primarily made with refined grains and added sugar. Consider a homemade bowl of oatmeal topped with nuts or nut butter. Otherwise, a higher-fiber cereal with less added sugar is a great alternative.

11) Be Careful With Bagels, Muffins And Pretzels

Some large New York-style bagels can have up to 50 grams of carbs, and this is not including any sugar-sweetened toppings, like a fruit flavored cream cheese or jelly. Go for smaller bagels or use half a bagel as a serving instead.

Besides, you should be careful on muffins branded with “fresh blueberry”, “banana nut” etc since they may easily contain over 200 calories and more than 30 grams of carbs. Always read the nutrition labels for total carb content and take care with added toppings.

Pretzels may seems like a low calorie snack, but the fact is they are made from refined white flour and therefore, rich in carbs. A serving of about 5 pretzels has about 20 grams of carbs and no other real nutrients.

As you can see from the above list of bad foods to avoid for diabetes, it is generally due to the wrong eating habits for most individuals since young. As they entered into adulthood, it has evolved into diabetes condition, leading them to become victims who are dependent on medicines and insulins prescribed by their doctors. 

Yes, as mentioned earlier on adopting a diabetic diet can help to check the sugar level in the bloodstream at the healthy line. However, the question is how long is it going to take? Do most people including you have the perseverance to change your eating habits until you see reverse changes in your diabetic condition?

Well, it is not going to be easy and here is one last food, "GREEN VEGGIE" which is the MAIN culprit that is causing Type 2 diabetes in millions, and many people including me are unaware of it. 

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